Lore On Skalla?

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I'm looking for lore on Skalla and its denizens, as well as the forced guardians.From what I gathered:

  1. The nation was yet another victim of the War of the Magi (via the Flooding)
  2. Ala Mhigo's previous tyrant cursed his brother and his friends and made them guardians of his horde.
  3. Its in the vein of Atlantis and Aumarot, underwater city (ruins).
What I'm wondering is how does the gear (Healer gear design content winner) tie into the dungeon and what does it say about it, and if there was anything known about what the micro nation was doing during Mhach, Amdapor and Nym's little skirmish? Also did they have anything to do with stairways or paths?

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