Looking To Start Your Own Fc? Don't Let Negative Players Discourage You From Doing So.

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Five months ago made a post about creating my own FC that received mixed reactions from players. I was told that my new FC "family" would disband, that it doesn't hold up to the test of time, and that I was naive.

I created an FC that would be a welcoming place for new and returning players as well as being a place for "outcast' veteran players just looking for an in-game home. After months and months of trying out FC's only to find every single one of them had cliques and inner friend circles, that's when my husband and I decided to just start our own.

We started our FC with only 4 people, and for weeks we struggled to rank up, we had trouble recruiting people, we couldn't keep up the credits for buffs, it was difficult. But we kept at it, even after losing one of our founding members. We started on Gilgamesh and had a hard time finding a solid foundation there, even after picking up a lot of active players and buying a small house.

Today, we have the same 30+ core members on Zalera, we took advantage of the free world transfers and decided to make our home on a smaller world. We now have a mansion, a very active Discord and a very healthy 40 player population all with a login span of 2-3 days. Subs, airships, over 3 million credits, and we all know each other and encourage even our newest members to hop right into FC events with us, regardless of their in game experience.

Don't ever let negative players dissuade you from pursuing your own FC and tell you it's a dead-end pursuit. You absolutely can create a home for yourself and your friends in this game, even today. So if you've got plans in the works of wanting to branch off and start your own, I fully encourage you to do it, even new players. This game is what you make it, and if you put the time and investment in, it will be successful.

And there's my Sunday morning rant for this week, thank you for listening and good luck to all of the prospective new Free Companies out there!

submitted by /u/lovelyleslee
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