Wow it’s been awhile since I’ve used these forums. Maybe this is in the right place, maybe it’s not, who knows? Anyway I’m looking for an active, friendly FC on Sargatanas. I’d prefer not to move worlds and definitely not DC’s because I still have friends here(they might apply for your FC as well? Maybe?) this post is just for me though. I’ve been around since about 3.2 I was originally on Zalera but about 6 years ago had a bad falling out with the long term FC and stopped playing until last year when 2 of my friends decided to pick up the game for the first time. Been on and off since then. Playing with them from time to time, otherwise playing mostly solo. I enjoy it enough but new friends would be great! I’m pretty active most days without having any particular days where I can’t log in. With my past history with FCs I have probably become a little picky. For instance I don’t care much for massive FCs, like 100+ is crazy work but not small either? Idk somewhere in between. Also I’d prefer there to be a healthy balance of male and female players. If you knew the history of why the only 2 FCs I was apart of fell to chaos and destruction you’d understand why I’m particular about that part. Its suppose to be a game and I just want to have fun and make new friends. I got a couple lvl 90s(working on getting them to 100) I’m in post Endwalker. Obviously not a hardcore player but I’ll do raids or whatever everyone’s up for. I will spend many hours on glamours/home decorating but I love grinding for gear and titles and other stuff! If you think you got a great place for me then let me know! Oh my in game name is Juulie Ko, that’s K-O like knockout, ya know? Anyway, hope to hear from some people. Have a great day!
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