Long time...


kitteh out of retirement for FF14
Hey folks, been a long time since I've been around here...I meant to post something when I finally decided to quit back in like Feb or whatever it was...but kept forgetting..heh same old me. How's things going? Miss yas, miss the game...not so much for the game itself, moreso for the music..and ofcourse my friends and those I considered family.

I heard a few times now that a few folks have gone away...sucks to hear no matter what state I'm in myself. I'd say I'll come back...but for personal reasons...I can't lie like that. Sure wouldn't be fair to anyone right?

But yea...Heyas, hope things are going well and that everyone is still getting the phat lewtz and pimping the gear >^.~< I'd write some more...but it's late and my head might take a downward turn and nobody needs that =p Love yas...will try to stop by a little more often. Take care *huggles*


*Edit*PS I'm playing WoW now, on Deathwing mainly, if anyone wants to look me up over there...yea boo hiss....I'm playing with my brother, so keep your boo's and hiss's away heh. I've got a few chars going so..if you want details...just ask.
Hey man, great to hear from you again. Not the Ultima you once knew, but there are still a few loyal members around roughing it through thick and thin as well as new faces propagating our legacy. Hope you keep on striving. See you in FF14 hopefully.

Purrrrrs and giggles softly. I've missed your faces, no one else can do them as annoyingly perfect as you can.

Is deathwing a PvP server? I know a few lm17 people that are playing WoW, we could all start on deathwing and fucking have endless battles on MOUNTAIN TOPS RAGING AT EACH OTHER oh my god that sounds so fun.
Screw Deathwing.

Grizzly Hills. Just sayin'.



Hullo, btw.
*hugs Redd* I hafta look at it in depth....see how it goes.

Pred...I am not nor have I ever been >.>

Soj..missing me? Wtf o.O And yes Deathwing is a PvP server, I personally hate it...but my bro is in one of the top raiding guilds...so usually decent times.

Lexa....I have pretty much all my chars on Deathwing, but I have a NE DK on Feathermoon(My original server) and a BE DK on Borean Tundrea to possibly do stuff with my roomate again.

Eh...if anyone is gonna look me up on Deathwing...my chars are: Repetance, Draenei 80 DK, Kithanna, NE 80 Warrior, Koranna, Draenei 80 Paladin, Kittenhugs, NE 75 Priest, Chamekitten, NE 73 Rogue, Kithrane, NE 42 Druid, Mithrana, Draenei 30 Shaman

NE=Night Elf =p

I'm usually on my dk, pally or priest these days.

Oh and Sojy-poo....love you >^.~< <3~ =p
Hey there chame-kitteh~ i hope you're doing okay!
*hugs Redd* I hafta look at it in depth....see how it goes.

Pred...I am not nor have I ever been >.>

Soj..missing me? Wtf o.O And yes Deathwing is a PvP server, I personally hate it...but my bro is in one of the top raiding guilds...so usually decent times.

Lexa....I have pretty much all my chars on Deathwing, but I have a NE DK on Feathermoon(My original server) and a BE DK on Borean Tundrea to possibly do stuff with my roomate again.

Eh...if anyone is gonna look me up on Deathwing...my chars are: Repetance, Draenei 80 DK, Kithanna, NE 80 Warrior, Koranna, Draenei 80 Paladin, Kittenhugs, NE 75 Priest, Chamekitten, NE 73 Rogue, Kithrane, NE 42 Druid, Mithrana, Draenei 30 Shaman

NE=Night Elf =p

I'm usually on my dk, pally or priest these days.

Oh and Sojy-poo....love you >^.~< <3~ =p

Alliance or Horde?
*hugs Redd* I hafta look at it in depth....see how it goes.

Pred...I am not nor have I ever been >.>

Soj..missing me? Wtf o.O And yes Deathwing is a PvP server, I personally hate it...but my bro is in one of the top raiding guilds...so usually decent times.

Lexa....I have pretty much all my chars on Deathwing, but I have a NE DK on Feathermoon(My original server) and a BE DK on Borean Tundrea to possibly do stuff with my roomate again.

Eh...if anyone is gonna look me up on Deathwing...my chars are: Repetance, Draenei 80 DK, Kithanna, NE 80 Warrior, Koranna, Draenei 80 Paladin, Kittenhugs, NE 75 Priest, Chamekitten, NE 73 Rogue, Kithrane, NE 42 Druid, Mithrana, Draenei 30 Shaman

NE=Night Elf =p

I'm usually on my dk, pally or priest these days.

Oh and Sojy-poo....love you >^.~< <3~ =p

Alliance or Horde?

really now
Someone doesn't play WoW that asked faction...hehe All my chars on Deathwing are Alliance, my DK on Feathermoon is Alliance, my DK on Cairne is Horde. I have played both to an extent, though moreso alliance, just cause I liked the races more there. I have nothing wrong with horde...until one of those buggers comes along and kills me for no reason while I'm doing a quest or some such....though depending on the char I'm on..sometimes they badly fail...hehe

Thanks for the comments guys, sorry to hear there's so much shit going on in the LS...