Lock cloud behind savage please

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I'm sorry but it's getting ridiculous how badly optimized this content was. This fight Is savage level difficulty. And not locking it behind savage has been a massive mistake which has forced the playerbase to take action into their own hands. And these methods are sadly oft against tos...

In eu we have a massive problem with these parties called "easy clear for you, have 50% hp experience" where they invite 6 people with no fight knowledge and literally boost them through the fight. Which has caused a huge decline in the quality of players doing this fight.

But if there was SOME KIND OF LOCK I think the quality of this fight would soar. A lot of people grind the mount and never come back. Which really sucks cause man this fight is excellent for learning to adapt. It feels like a real raid. As a pvp player I resonate so well with it.. but. It's just not a fun experience on pf because it has a pretty rough enrage check (all things considered) and yet the barrier to entry is so low. Also 710 level is a joke right? I don't see any universe 710 could clear this

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