Location Change On House Exit

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I am not sure how the original thread was lacking information as this is a simple issue and something that happens to our -entire- FC and others when they exit our house. It is not limited to just me, so certain information is N/A.

Date & Time: Patch 5.2 and onward.
Frequency: Always
World name: Leviathan
Character name: Shizuna Falenas
Retainer name: N/A
NPC name: N/A
Monster name: N/A
Class/Level: RDM 80
Party or solo: Both
In-game time: Always
Area and coordinates: Shirogane Mansions
Housing: Shirogane (Castle Exterior Wall)
1. Be inside a Shirogane mansion using the castle exterior walls.
2. Exit the house either through clicking on exit or coming back from an instance.
3. Instead of coming out right next to the front door, spawn further out from front door.
4. Freak out when you spawn inside a housing placement. In our case, this is a bridge.

(Note: I did not report this when 5.2 initially released thinking a fix was coming for 5.21.)

Connection Specs
N/A - This happens to everyone in our FC.

■ PC Specs
N/A - This happens to everyone in our FC.

Browser Information
N/A - This happens to everyone in our FC.

■ PS4 Specs
N/A - This happens to everyone in our FC.

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