ln game classes :need their SIGNATURES/return of some abilitys

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First, every class should have their classical final fantasy signature "trait"

bard: foe requirm(did exist but got removed needs to come back)
Monk: needs a passive trait to auto counter,
Whitemage: bring back protect (even if its a cd buff that only last 1 min on a single target meaning you have to cast it 4-8 times) and stoneskin
(and even if it doesnt take our gil) give samurai}: gil toss

Also some abilities like every healer having Unique esuna's need to return I'm sorry but leeches on scholar brought the job alive when cleansing.

and Heres a "hot take" it doesn't matter how the ... your fights are designed it doesn't matter what the fights do and how they interact if the jobs themself do not feel alive combat is bad no matter how WELL THE FIGHTS ARE DESIGNED

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