Limbus Leadership


As I stated in my other thread (, I am effectively out of commission when it comes to scheduled events until further notice. I will still be coming to Limbus, but my attendance will be erratic and I won't have the time to keep up with the going-ons of the group anymore.

I need someone to step up and take my place. I would recommend Heie or Redd, as they have very solid attendance and have considerable experience both running groups in general as well as Limbus specifically. However, I am well aware that both of them have many other responsibilities already and therefore I don't expect them to jump into another. If both Heie and Redd were able to offer their help with zones/strats/pts, all the leader would really need to do would be keep up on attendance, lotting, and mediate discussions about the direction/rules of the group.

I'll still be around to help, but I just can't be counted on anymore to be there. I have faith in the group and all of its members, and hope someone can step up and take the reigns.
I'll take over leading the runs.