Yorozuya is looking for you!
Hey fellow Eorzeans! My little FC - Yorozuya <YRZYA> - is currently looking to expand its ranks!
You are a new player? Not a problem, we will show you the ropes and take you on content runs of all kinds!
Old/Returning player? Not a problem either, we'll give you a refresher on everything new
We are also going to start doing content runs of old and new content for everyone interrested!
We have a cozy medium size house in the Lavender Beds, also a discord server for everyones use!
If I caught your attention feel free to drop a message here or just add me on discord Shichibukai#5840 !
Thank you and hope to see you soon~
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Hey fellow Eorzeans! My little FC - Yorozuya <YRZYA> - is currently looking to expand its ranks!
You are a new player? Not a problem, we will show you the ropes and take you on content runs of all kinds!
Old/Returning player? Not a problem either, we'll give you a refresher on everything new
We are also going to start doing content runs of old and new content for everyone interrested!
We have a cozy medium size house in the Lavender Beds, also a discord server for everyones use!
If I caught your attention feel free to drop a message here or just add me on discord Shichibukai#5840 !
Thank you and hope to see you soon~
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