[lfm][fc] Battle Bakery! [close-knit][casual]

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Hello new frens!
You’ve clicked on this post because like many others, you’re looking for a place to call home, to make new friends, and want the social bonus that an MMO can offer! Luckily for you, Battle Bakery <buns> is looking for casual, active players to join our small close-knit family! <3

-> This month we have our Monthly Raffle and Screenshot Contest :D

Why us?

✿ We offer a FC home, Rank 8, with 24/7 buffs and all the other amenities that come with it! Crafter or gatherer? Let us know, we rotate buffs! One of the perks of being a smaller FC, you can book a day you know you’ll be on and want a specific buff!

FC Events and Contests! Along with the many in-game Square Enix events that we all participate in together, we have a weekly Event schedule that you can check out in our Events channel on discord! Jumping puzzles, map runs, older content mount farming, etc! Have a event you want to host/plan? Just let us know and we can book it in the next week!

Our Discord Server is the place to be. Our core goal is to make long-lasting friendships. Our discord server is an amazing place to do just that. No worries, VC is not mandatory by any means. Our discord chat channels though- incredibly active. Whether you’re in game playing or going about your daily life outside of FF, we’re always talking and staying connected! Many many laughs, and so many fun times!

We go beyond FF. Many of our members play other games as well as FF, and we play those games together too! FF, Monster Hunter, WoW and more. Let us know what you enjoy, chances are someone else does too.

We’re a smaller FC! You’re not just another number in the roster. You won’t be lost among hundreds of other players. Being part of a smaller FC means you have a chance to form closer relationships and join in on content without worry of being left out. We’re small, and we love it!

We have a very diverse and active member player base, so whether you're interested casual in pve, pvp, hunts, random shenanigans, to kicking back and relaxing at our home, we're down for it all.

We're just a small group of people that are looking to make more friends and build up our little family, we hope you'll come and join us! (^ω^)

Please message either Rage Cakes or Nub Reks in game for an inv or to answer any questions, or send in an application!

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