Lfm [chaos-cerberus][fc] We <<ecp>> Aim To Eclipse Your Boredom.

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We are a respect & social based FC that follows up on activity & removes long afk players with new players all the time (+ we track & remove leeches among newcomers).

However what makes us exceptional is that we use a shared gamer discord named Gamers 4Life. All gamers are welcome, however since FFXIV is currently our main goal we are willing to share the server with other leadership from FFXIV that agrees to use this server as their main. The plan is to both post events once in a while and allow other allied FC players to participate in those events.

That way FC's that love peace and quiet can remain small "in game" and use the discord server to hook up in social behavior or events once in a while (or make requests). Event participation would be boosted at the same time.
You run your FC the way you want to run it without interference from other FC's on the server provided you respect the people around you. Don't care for a small FC? Try to get a house near us so our members can hook up while waiting for a duty :D

See it as a way to relieve eachother from stress so you can run your FC more efficiently with a smaller crew (less effort) and at the same time maintain a certain amount of activity so your community can never be considered dead (since all FC's combined would be considered the community as a whole).

PM me "Guardian Angel" or "Aruna Lanate" in game or join our discord and pm me directly: https://discord.gg/R5Dk8tQ

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