Lfg Mnk 5.4 Static

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IGN: Eris Eunoia
Discord: Eris#3996


I am looking to get back into savage raiding this tier, currently as a MNK.

I've completed Eden's Gate (Savage), then broke off from raiding for a bit during Eden's Verse. Pretty easy going, patient and chill person whilst at the same time always thinking about ways to improve my own performance each run. I'm not looking to clear the content asap, just looking to make some consistent progress and enjoy the content alongside the group.

Therefore I'm happy to join a casual group and help support the group at whatever pace they're comfortable with to complete the content :cool:


Mon - Fri 9:30PM - 1:00AM
Sat & Sun 8:00PM - 1:00AM

Unfortunately can't go any earlier/later than these times due to my schedule. Can contact via discord or in-game

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