Even after all these years the time it takes to level alternate jobs is a grind so bad. I am again at the point of cancelling my sub, like so many times before. FATE's do not give enough XP, quests should be buffed to provide more XP so they are relevant, we have all these quests, so much content just sitting there and virtually no XP for doing them, there is no incentive to do them, the only MMO I have played where simple questing is not an option for leveling progression(beyond the MSQ)... our only real choice is to sit in an instance queue which limits the amount we can get done, I spend more time sitting waiting for instance queues and trying to complete FATE's in the hope that the dungeon will not pop mid-FATE, causing me to get nothing for my FATE progression ... and the sheer repetition of such a narrow amount of content is mind warping ... There are many other MMO's that provide a reasonable level of gratification and some that I don't need to pay for ... this game needs some type of level scaling technology to compete going forward, Like ESO and WoW ... I'll keep an eye on the patch notes in the hopes that this is fixed in the future
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