I recently rewatched the "Log Horizon" anime again and just had a thought of the "Teacher System" that gets first introduced in s1-e5; "Return to Akihabara".
To quote the anime; "A system that lets high-level players lower their levels to play with lower-leveled characters."
Now this is just throwing ideas at the wall to see what might stick, but what if there were:
Proposing that the "Mentor Sync" would Level you down to a 3-5 levels higher than the Sprout in your Party. If several Sprouts is in the party the level would be probably higher than the lowest, but maybe also lower than the highest.
Possibly only be in effect in the zone it was activated in and would be reapplied for the next, or work as long as the Mentor and Sprout is in the same party, or removed once the Sync is hit again.
To gain this "Mentor Sync" ability one needs to obviously be a Mentor and have at least one sprout in the Party. To pick up the quest one has to go to the "Hall Of The Novice" in Western La Noscea so sign a waver that "Hall Of The Novice does not own any compensation in cases of mental or physical harm to the Mentor.".
Think of it as a "special fate sync button for mentors" (to quote a friend).
This "Zone Sync" is... Zone specific, more close to a FATE than the "Mentor Sync" but more for the lone adventurer looking for a fairer fight. The level down is to be closer to the highest level enemy of that zone and would definitively be lost when moving zones.
To gain this one has to complete the Expansion of the Zone one wishes to Sync with. And the pick up can be; in the Adventure Guild (or close similarity) in the Expansions Main and/or Sub City, or just in that specific Zone having to unlock it Zone By Zone.
Goes to say that FATEs still work as they do, but these other Syncs is working outside of those.
If I can think of more I might comment.
What do y'all think?
Is this a too crazy idea and will never see the light of day?
Do you have any Sync varians that you could see work?
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To quote the anime; "A system that lets high-level players lower their levels to play with lower-leveled characters."
Now this is just throwing ideas at the wall to see what might stick, but what if there were:
- A way for Mentors to Level Sync with lower level Sprouts to be less of a... powerhouse.
Proposing that the "Mentor Sync" would Level you down to a 3-5 levels higher than the Sprout in your Party. If several Sprouts is in the party the level would be probably higher than the lowest, but maybe also lower than the highest.
Possibly only be in effect in the zone it was activated in and would be reapplied for the next, or work as long as the Mentor and Sprout is in the same party, or removed once the Sync is hit again.
To gain this "Mentor Sync" ability one needs to obviously be a Mentor and have at least one sprout in the Party. To pick up the quest one has to go to the "Hall Of The Novice" in Western La Noscea so sign a waver that "Hall Of The Novice does not own any compensation in cases of mental or physical harm to the Mentor.".
Think of it as a "special fate sync button for mentors" (to quote a friend).
- A way for higher level Players to have that feeling of roaming a Zone for the first time.
This "Zone Sync" is... Zone specific, more close to a FATE than the "Mentor Sync" but more for the lone adventurer looking for a fairer fight. The level down is to be closer to the highest level enemy of that zone and would definitively be lost when moving zones.
To gain this one has to complete the Expansion of the Zone one wishes to Sync with. And the pick up can be; in the Adventure Guild (or close similarity) in the Expansions Main and/or Sub City, or just in that specific Zone having to unlock it Zone By Zone.
Goes to say that FATEs still work as they do, but these other Syncs is working outside of those.
If I can think of more I might comment.
What do y'all think?
Is this a too crazy idea and will never see the light of day?
Do you have any Sync varians that you could see work?
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