Lets Talk Relic Glows For A Second

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So Im going to come out and say it. SE devs SUCK at picking weapon glows.

My Suggestion/Request: maybe they see this maybe not if anyone knows where i can make these quest in another section let me know

so here it is

1. Can we please get a npc that can change our glows or make it possible in the dye section CAN WE PLEASE CHOOSE THE GLOW. the devs are just bad at picking colors some weapons are nice most are awful looking. I think everyone would appreciate something like this

2. also please make it where we can turn the glow off and on. sometimes the glows are so awful it sucks cause i want to upgrade my weapon but the glow makes it look like crap so Im stuck with i need to upgrade my weapon but i wont be able to get the a replica til hydaelyn knows when. I mean how can i be a respectable RAWRGAWR and go to raid with an ugly glamour...

those are my request/suggestion again if anyone knows a better place to make this seen please feel free to respond

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