Lagging Since Recent Patch; Was Fine Before.

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Hello! I have been experiencing lag since the recent patch (Ishgard/Diadem implementation). At first, I thought it must be because there are so many people online. Maybe that's why. But even in inactive hours when Limsa is near empty, I still experience it. So when I am in the Diadem, it takes me twice or thrice the time to finish gathering a single node. But I can see other people gathering at a normal speed. When I am idling about in Gridania or Limsa, people are doing that running/stopping thing. Note that I have never had a problem with lag before. Also, I seem to fine (from what I've noticed anyway) in instances/dungeons. No lag there. I already rebooted my modem hoping it'd help, but it didn't. Any advice or aid is welcomed!

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