Korpokkur Felted Plushie Is All U/dasrenchen 's Fault

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Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/bzgf6z/i_crocheted_a_korpokkur_plushie/

Roommate saw that post and wouldn't shut up about it until I agreed to make it... and now MANY months later, while I'm stuck at home, I finally got around to it.

I know it's kinda lopsided and not that great, but it's the very first thing I ever needle felted. I know how to crochet, but my hands can't do amigurumi, it hurts too much, which was a big reason I refused to make this for such a long time.

Also, the leaf was wet felted. I love wet felting, it's always a lot of fun! And it's extra great right now keeping my hands in soapy hot water until they nearly fall off, haha.

Looking at it now I think the biggest changes I would make is a lighter color for the feet and arms and a larger body or smaller leaf.


submitted by /u/esmethera
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