Kinda cool


~Lux Aeterna~
found this web site today while bored at work and surfing.
kinda hard to explain exactly what it's about but found a pretty funny clip thought yall would like to hear
It's Britney Spears from her first single "One more time" they first play the clip then reverse it and slow it down 2 times so you can hear what she's saying.
bunch of other cool stuff on there to check out if yer bored and interested in this sort of thing :alien010:

the reverse was a better song than the forward, but i couldn't quite understand what she was sayin >_>
you have to listen closely to it, "Sleep with me, I'm not too young" lol
they have a bunch of cool stuff on the site like UFO Roswell cover ups and presidential debates. Basically the whole idea behind this is people will say things backwards intermixed with what they're saying forwards. Forward = conscious mind ~ Backwards=sub conscious mind. Just found the site very interesting. Give it a look through