(just ressubed) Did they really delete a thread about Live Letter for being critical?

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Yesterday I decided to re-sub because of the live letter.

I saw a quite critical thread about the live letter on this forum yesterday.
If you look back through my recent posts you'll see that I have been outright vitriolic at times about the state of the game/community-attitude in some of them, never a cool look but when you feel someone must, you find a spine and 'do' literally the barest Fng minimum which is to talk about it.
So I said to myself "If your going to be 'that' vocal about being negative, then you can no longer just stay quiet when you see something positive"
So I resolved that I would make sure to go back on and post my take on the positive to be found in the Live letter, for CB3 and the community, and maybe even start a whole new thread to give prominence to that positivity where it does exist. (Even though I still have significant reservations.)

But instead, I can't see the post anywhere, and there is another thread talking about censorship. Do I find they have now started to just delete expression when it does not align with doctrine?
(Might as well just use reddit at that point. Which I don't. Tabloid, tell other people why they think wrong, garbage.)

(incidentally, I had been planning on just enjoying the game this morning. I only logged in to see if my forum access was open. I was not expecting to see that thread gone, if it is. I now I find myself preferring to be here writing this crap, instead of logging in, because my interest in the game hasn't fundamentally changed, and its still hanging by a thread.)
  • (Please, if you know the post I mean, and I've just missed it under another forum, please link it)

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