Just a hello from the original members


New Member
Hi I'm Ben for those who used to know me I was the best taru named Carerra. I know I dropped off the map, but I'm going to take another whack at it. /hurray
I played during the first release of beta for a few years. I was originally in the nakama, which I don't even know exists anymore. I was apart of this ls when it was 1st created. I just wanted to say hi to all those I used to play with and nice to meet you to all those I have not.

I know Shiznax is still around and playing. :shades02:
Thanks, it's been a while. I see a lots changed. I'm sure i'll see more as I get back on. It's cool to see people still playing.

Ahh, Shiz, how about Rikis or Faithseeker?
I know Faith doesn't play, he quit way back & never stopped by again.
It's amazing how many ppl still play this game lol. damn. some I remember from the beginning, some just starting out. Its cool how established this ls became. I'm impressed personally. When it was first started and I joined it wasn't nearly as big or organized. I actually started a couple accounts since leaving Valefor. I'm on alexander now and when my server switch is up i'm coming back to the beginning :P
Of course I went taru whm 75 1st again, what can I say, old habits die hard...
Maaaan I remember Faith... that was my boi.. we were the PLD / DRK duo ( when I actually tried to lvl Drk ).. but then I had some military crap to attend for 2 weeks and got left lmao... that was way back in 2004 haha... long time... miss you guys.. thought I'd jump back n say hello..
haha Carm good to see you still trollin' heh..
Puss, please make time on your calendar for an evening of noodles and beer during the week 26 Mar - 7 Apr.
Fodd, change the beer to some 日本酒 and you got yourself a deal. Preferable からくち

Aa already forewarned me, looking forward to it.
You still got your xmas card from last year? Sorry I didn't get around to sending any this year, actually worked through the holidays.

How about I just send some new Hello Kitty home with Fodd to mail to you Snuggy?
I think that is a fantastic idea! Fodder or Benny will be getting a post card so make sure you sign it so I can hang it next to the hello kitty Christmas card you sent me. ;)