June 5, 2007 - Which run?


Kitteh Paws
Did we have a run last night, or was it held off/reduced to a lesser difficulty run?
We did Ultima last night as planned, with 11 people. Almost had it :o Needed a couple more DD and a little less insanely crappy luck with Magic Shield (always did it just as we said to do the SC). If the same people are there next time + maybe 2 or 3 DD or BLM, it should be no sweat.
I thought Gun was straight up out of his mind using our chips with 11 people, but we damn near proved him a genius :o

Even so, with 12 people and less shitty magic shield timing, I wouldn't hesitate to try it again if we had the right jobs.
If we have another RDM or 2 next time I'd love to try coming as BLU. May be able to stick debuffs like DoT and Defense/Magic Def. down, should be good damage especially as /THF (which with 2 PLD/NIN would be good anyways), and I'd like to try using Saline Coat (MDB +40) and sticking out Citadel Buster. If it works well enough, Diffusion might actually be worth meritting, even with a 20 minute recast.
yeah he was at 6% when gun and I ate it. I think he regened to 11% before we got kicked.
I believe for the most past everyone had some type of experience. Our Ultima's will only get better. Since we have Omega popset already, we can immediately start on Temenos again to give it another go. I believe we are shooting for a Temenos run tomorrow night, given the time we have to enter.

I've just done 2 Omegas and that was my first Ultima :o Was fun, and I know what to expect next time. I'd love to come BLU though and try out Saline Coat and maybe SA Vert Cleave on him. Wonder if Disseverment would stick that 20/tick poison on him too, that would be nice.
Yeah guys, great fight, only problem was lack of DD. In total our dd consisted of 2 blm, drg, and nin/war....soo, yeah, lack of spike damage at start of CB and crap luck with magic shield pretty much boned us.joff

I managed to dig up this old link i had found before i did my 1st Ultima a while back and I think it is very informative on Ultima as well as small limbus runs in general.


SPOILER ALERT: These guys do Ultima in 32 minutes with 7 member, very informative and well put together info, check it out!:flipblue:
