So Thinking about it Stormblood Remember the under the water dungeon (at 70) where the guys did alchemy and transformed or the stormblood raids where alchemy was to transform/metamorph
So I was thinking due to how common "shape" change is in the game both story/lore combat bosses and even just random dungeon methods to get to one side we can use this to please those who wanted alchemy job and those who want shapeshifting job.
The job can fall under any role depending on the ability set up they give it, so that I won't bring up here due the fact based on w/e it can fall under any catagory so they could just pick one.
Weapon: would just be a needle and sample kit
The jobs System would be based similar to how ninja mandra's are designed however you will have to generate samples through fighting or healing that would pop one of three catagorys.
Plant: scalekin:voidkin (as examples) Then by preforming the right mixture (being a little more complex than ninja has 3-4 at all times for the change.
You can transform into a monster or mutation that can preform new actions in the main bar replace your others, like if its a healer one of your forms can be becoming a Tree/dryad that Recovers the party with plants and vines, and maybe rain just as example or if its tank one form can legit be like golem or those gaint guys all other the place for a short time period.
This can please alchemy lovers because it throws in the "non magical" injection drawing and mixing similar to potions and transforming yourself by the combinations you create, this while being an original job also has a place in final fantasy look at Hojo and vincent
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So I was thinking due to how common "shape" change is in the game both story/lore combat bosses and even just random dungeon methods to get to one side we can use this to please those who wanted alchemy job and those who want shapeshifting job.
The job can fall under any role depending on the ability set up they give it, so that I won't bring up here due the fact based on w/e it can fall under any catagory so they could just pick one.
Weapon: would just be a needle and sample kit
The jobs System would be based similar to how ninja mandra's are designed however you will have to generate samples through fighting or healing that would pop one of three catagorys.
Plant: scalekin:voidkin (as examples) Then by preforming the right mixture (being a little more complex than ninja has 3-4 at all times for the change.
You can transform into a monster or mutation that can preform new actions in the main bar replace your others, like if its a healer one of your forms can be becoming a Tree/dryad that Recovers the party with plants and vines, and maybe rain just as example or if its tank one form can legit be like golem or those gaint guys all other the place for a short time period.
This can please alchemy lovers because it throws in the "non magical" injection drawing and mixing similar to potions and transforming yourself by the combinations you create, this while being an original job also has a place in final fantasy look at Hojo and vincent
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