A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:
[dev1091] Job Adjustments: Summoner
[dev1090] Job Adjustments: Dragoon
[dev1089] Job Adjustments: Samurai
[dev1088] Job Adjustments: Beastmaster
[dev1087] Job Adjustments: White Mage
The following threads in the Updates section of the official forums have been updated with new information:
[dev1081] Job Adjustments: Bard
[dev1091] Job Adjustments: Summoner
[dev1090] Job Adjustments: Dragoon
[dev1089] Job Adjustments: Samurai
[dev1088] Job Adjustments: Beastmaster
[dev1087] Job Adjustments: White Mage
The following threads in the Updates section of the official forums have been updated with new information:
[dev1081] Job Adjustments: Bard