It's High Time To Get Rid Of Beast Tribe Daily Limits

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After trying to get caught up on an alt I have found this irritating.

The new beast tribes are limited to 3 a day as the npc only will give out 3 new quests a day, but there is still a 12 a day limit overall.

To allow newer players to complete the ARR quests and stay on top of others, at this point shouldn't we just do away with the daily cap? I mean if ppl wanna burn thru 21 quests a day, what not let them. Each npc only gives 3 a day anyway, so why not let that work as the "limit" instead? It would make getting the ARR tribe quests done in a much more feasible time without having to neglect any of the others, unless you choose to.

This is a silly thing to limit after 7 years imo, when everything post ARR have built in and very limited caps.

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