It Takes About 500 Days To Complete All Levequests For Full Journal Completion. I Have A...

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If it wasn't for the Large-Scale Leves in Heavensward, it would be only about 250 days needed to complete them all.

So my current goal for a while now is wanting to complete all the leves, because the Journal keeps track of which ones you've completed. However, there was never a list of them showing exactly how they're sorted in the Journal. Other sites included unused leves that were in the data since alpha/beta 2.0, or they had mistakes because at times the game would silently update the name of leves (e.g. BSM Lv 68: "Hammer and Sails" used to be "Knock on Wood").

So that's what this is for, to help keep track of which ones you haven't done yet.


In the Journal, leves are categorized and sorted by the area they're completed at, this is mainly important for crafting leves. For example, CRP Lv. 1: "Gridania's Got Talent". While it's listed in Gridania, is only accepted only from The Bannock in the Central Shroud.

So for each category I list where the leve is truly accepted at, which really only matters to the Crafting ones, to help with finding/completing them.

Battlecraft/Fieldcraft leves can be accepted at the location or at the city-state, they share the same pool.

There's a specific order the Journal organizes all the regions by (shown in Info tab), and the leves in the journal go in order by their ID number.


Reminder that belts are being removed in 6.0:

  • The only leves that use belts are within Armorer, Leatherworking, and Clothcrafting leves. I highlighted those items with yellow, and there's a filter view on each tab called "Belts Being Removed in 6.0".
  • This is going off the assumption that they're wiping all belts from being craftable, but there's still the possibility they're leaving the levequest-related belts to just be items you can craft/HQ to still turn in.
  • I'm playing it safe and completed those first They could change the leve's name, description, and item needed, but that would be expecting too much from them, tbh.


Some advice about 2.0 and 3.0 Leves to save headaches:

  • For the Battlecraft/Fieldcraft leves in ARR and HW, there's a bit of an annoyance. Only a certain amount of leves are available at a time at each spot, but they have a larger pool of leves.
    • ARR has 4 Battlecraft leves available at time, with 5 to 7 possible leves to complete at each location.
    • ARR has 2 Fieldcraft leves available at time, with 4 possible leves to complete at each location.
    • ARR has 2 Company leves available at time, with 3 to 4 possible leves to complete at each location.
    • HW has 2 Battlecraft/Fieldcraft leves available at a time, with 3 possible leves to complete at each location. This also applies to Large-scale leves.
  • There's a way to help cycle through them so you don't have to keep on accepting/burning leves
    • For Battlecraft and MIN/BTN (these are duty-based): Pick up a single leve, and complete their duty so it's ready to turn in, but don't claim the reward yet. Instead, check the leves being offered again, and you'll see the NPC is offering another one in place of the one you accepted.
    • For Fisher: The NPC's leve offerings won't be refilled until you either do another leve's duty or complete another fishing/crafting leve. Because Fishing leves function like Crafting leves, they don't have a duty attached, they are item turn-ins.
  • I mention this because the large-scale leves take 10 allowances, and the last thing you'd want is having to burn 10 just to hope for the 3rd one to appear. This way you can plan and get it to appear with less usages.

Welp, that's another one of my things shared. All my documents are listed here for future browsing:

submitted by /u/Jacien_V
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