Issues With Windowed 1440p On A 4k Monitor

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Hi! I've tried searching high and low for this information but can't find help for my specific situation so here goes:

I game on a 4k 60hz monitor (I do design work from home) and generally play more graphically intensive games at 1440p or sometimes even 1080p if the game is extremely intensive. With FFXIV I can play on max/default high at 1440p when fullscreen and get 60fps, it looks great!

The first problem I run in to is that alt+tabbing from fullscreen is verrryyy slow and kind of clunky, other open windows move around or get full screened when I go back to the game, that kind of thing. To solve this I checked out borderless windowed which was no go, it forces 4k resolution.

So next I tried windowed. It let me set my window to 1440p, but when I full screen the window it forces to 4k. When I don't fullscreen the window it's just very small which I don't love.

Does anyone have a solution for this? Maybe you have a 1440p monitor and want to play in 1080p and you're running in to the same issue? Is there a way to manually force scaling of a window through windows settings maybe?

Any help is appreciated! This is the only game I've run in to something like this with.

tldr: borderless and windowed mode force me to 4k meaning I have to run the game on low (down from max or high in fullscreen) or else I lose about 20fps and run at much hotter temps.

submitted by /u/smelly_orc
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