Ishgardian Housing Wards Suggestion

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Preface: I am aware that there is no set-in-stone guarantee that Ishgardian Housing will exist. Until there is, let's go with the assumption that it will be coming, once the Restoration is complete.

With Housing the way it is and the belief that we will get another.. 20 or 30 wards with the Firmament, once it's finished, I had been reminded that it wouldn't actually *help* the Housing Market and its problems, It would only delay it. But is there a way we can stop that?

Knowing that Square Enix has said (I believe, at least. I could be wrong!) they want to keep the Neighborhood esque feeling of the Wards, we can assume "Full-instanced" housing will not come to pass. But note "Full-instanced" does not mean Instanced in general. They could improve the Apartments at a later date, once they have the foundation to do so. But this discussion isn't about "ward Vs Instancing". It's about fixing the Wards. Something we will not be losing no matter what we suggest.

I say this with the firm belief that my suggestions (or lack thereof) is not going to be a water-tight solution, but at least something to give actual players an improved chance. At least for a few days at most.

My solution is that they do what they had done with the other wards. Make it so you have to complete a quest to purchase land there, but to also add extra restrictions to that. Think about it.

To own a house in any ARR zone (Goblet, Mist, lavender Beds) you need to:
- Be level 50
- Be a certain rank in a Grand Company
(May be more, but those stick out to me the most)

And for Shirogane, you need to be at least level 70 and own Stormblood.

What if, for the Firmament. They continued that trend? Make it so players would need to:
- Have a Level 80 Character (War / Magic specifically)
- Completed the Shadowbringers Story
- Assisted in the Firmament at least once (Or have obtained X amount of Skybuilder scripts in some fashion)
- Purchase a "Writ of Permission" from the Vendor for X scripts before you can go to a Placard.

Now, on paper this doesn't sound all too bad. Most of the playerbase worldwide already achieve the 3 main requirements, yet the script-required item to purchase rights to live in Ishgard could be the main stopper, purely because it would be an optional item that you had to purchase for scripts. Similar to buying Housing Items for your GC Seals.

This makes sure that anyone living in the area has sunk in a considerable amount of time into the game and probably do not want to have their wrists slapped for being naughty, on top of slowing the Bots down (theoretically) by having such weighty restrictions for a "brand new character" or "Brand New Account" to achieve in a quick, reliable fashion.

Now, I know that not everyone wants to do Gathering & Crafting, which is entirely fine, they would still have the other four wards (and every plot in those wards) to choose from. But if they wanted to live in Ishgard, then they would need to put in a bit of effort. That's one of the major drawbacks that I have yet to find a way around without opening the floodgates and rendering the solution pointless.

I open the floor to all of you, hoping that we all stay nice and civil instead of argue and bicker over semantics. We all wish for Housing to be better than how it is, so use that as a middle-ground for this discussion, if possible.

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