Is this a good idea?


Unicorns are kickass!
I have to get a computer for my parents cause theirs broke down so I want to get something really cheap that they can look at e-mails and do whatever parents do with computers, but at the same time I dont want to them to get ripped off so I said I would help them. The problem is, I dont know what im doing either. I found this deal on Tiger Direct and I dont know if its worth it or not or if there are things I can do to make it cheaper.

Anyway, here it is, thanks for your help in advance. 21-_-email_wem1735
I've found that buying the $299-399 Dell basic special is the way to go for parents. When they F it up (for the 80th time) you can let Dell fix it. lol
I've found that buying the $299-399 Dell basic special is the way to go for parents. When they F it up (for the 80th time) you can let Dell fix it. lol

Agreed. Did that to my grandmother.

Not a lick out of her about since I set it up.