Is it wrong?

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I've been playing since 2018 and have never really had a taste for ultimates and savage. I never got a static and never really had reliable players on in fc (not because they're bad just time zones and life) so I run a lot of roulettes and normal content and I personally feel it's challenging enough for me in this type of game. I play on ps5 and have gotten so used to controller I could probably do ok in savage but I hate snap shot aoes and insta death mechanics in any game. I play a lot of fighting games and love my old school platformers and souls likes but my drive for challenge is ranked matches in fighting games. I've heard a lot over the years about this casual/hard-core topic and both sides spit venom at each other or about each other sometimes but is it really wrong for people who like the normal content and just augment with the coins? I find the DT content completely fine and I enjoyed the m1 to m4 and people still die to mechanics all the time but the ilvl disparity has always only been 5 so does it really matter I'm waiting to to augment my weapons later and don't care they're quetzali 720s right now?

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