Is 7.2 the last patch to even save Dawntrail at this point?(SPOILERS AHOY)

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7.0 was a disaster. 7.1 was a continuation of that. Will 7.2 be any different? Because right now 7.16(A SMALL PATCH!) has been a complete disaster. Untranslated lines. Story writing being thrown down the drain as if it's written by ChatGPT. How hard is it to ask for a good story? I didn't mind comedic villains being the thing, but I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - instead I'm seeing a dead end. I might not want to jump ship yet, but I honestly think they only have one chance.

7.2 has to be a FIX to everything that has gone wrong since 7.0 started, since let's be real: people smack Stormblood around because of its pacing, and 7.0 isn't any better - it's worse. However, Stormblood picked up quite a good deal in its Post-Patch quests. This lead to an interesting story for Yotsuyu and everyone's favorite Samurai Gosetsu; yet, there are things that I feel are mainly set-up currently from 7.1's story, and if I hit it beat for beat in 7.2 I'm going to kick myself since this is going into speculation territory.

We have 2 Sphenes. 1 Sphene is akin to DeathGPT, the other is...we don't know! We assume alive, but they may very well be the other part of the personality that Sphene had - the good one. This leads to a lot of questions as to what they're trying to write about, as originally Living Memory was about 'letting go' so to speak with how we shut down all these attractions. It was a literal theme park we turned into a dull world! We got some exposition about Gulool Ja's origins, as well as Koana's - but that's mainly backstory that we should've gotten in 7.0, if I'll be frank.

NEO Regulators make me question whether we're actually going to see Living Memory become active again - as well as have yet another threat to deal with to the Source since last time we pulled the plug, we took our damn time while DeathGPT was processing the end of all living things. This time, they need to write Bad Sphene in a way that can actually make a differential between the two meaningful - because what's the point if we get the same 'Nice Sphene' act we got when we first arrived in Alexandria, and the 'Mean Sphene' act we got after we uncovered Otis? There has to be a motive behind this split to actually make sense, otherwise they're repeating some of the issues they had in post-patch Endwalker after 6.2(and don't get me started on Ysh'tola...)

Either way, the raid content is probably going to distract us for at least a few months before we get 7.25, Shade's Triangle - which, they need to not botch if things are not well-received on the writing end for the next raid tier(which has been excellent this first tier mind). They have to set their story straight irregardless since 7.2 will more than likely give us a new trial to deal with in MSQ(if not, then I will be sorely disappointed unless it's a return to Side Quest).

There's only so long we can do the same song and dance, so the dev team needs to INNOVATE.

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