iPhone 3G


Kitteh's Meow
Well... it's sold out in Tokyo at least...

People started waiting in line yesterday and so far today, every shop is sold out. Guess I will wait to see how the phone works out for the first people that got them.

I do plan on getting one, simply for having some better web browsing on a mobile device. It also saves me from having to carry iPod + Cell phone, yay.

Who else is getting a 3G iPhone?
The guy that runs the webcast I Dj on, he was planning to camp out for one and wanted me to go. I'd like to get an iPhone, but I don't have the $200 to spend right now, plus I'd have to switch phone service and probably tack on an extra $30 a month for the extras like web access.

So maybe in a few months.
I was thinking of getting one here in Toronto but Rogers is charging an arm and a leg for the data plan every month. Not to mention that when I went to the actual store and the day before the release there were already people sitting outside lining up.

I'll probably get one by this weekend and if it's sold out then I'd wait a few months like Ono.
I would wait till they fix the software glitch before spending the money on it.


Yeah, read all that... seem like a infrastructure problem, not a problem with the phone itself. Japan is handling it a bit differently from what I've heard from people here so far.

I'm out of luck for awhile anyway until they get more in-stock. Gonna go troll around Tokyo Saturday morning to see what I can find. (doubtful, but gonna look anyway.)

Oh and pricing, Probably going to be paying about $90/month for Unlimited Data... which is one of the reasons I want the damn thing. :X
Man, $90 a month for a cellphone bill (i'm assuming one line)? I guess that isn't too bad with unlimited data/internet use and all, but i'm not on my phone enough to want to pay almost $100 a MONTH to browse shit on my phone. However, if I had a job where I traveled alot or was in transit most of the day, I can see myself wanting to get one. But, for an average college kid, I couldn't justify myself getting one other than im a lazy piece of shit and want to check my email while laying in bed while watching porn on my phone under my covers.
I couldn't justify myself getting one other than im a lazy piece of shit and want to check my email while laying in bed while watching porn on my phone under my covers.


but yeah I'm in same boat.. I think only time I used the mobile internet on my phone was when my internet at home was out after my cable company shut off both my tv and my internet even though I told them THREE TIMES to ONLY shut off my TV service..

I forgave them when I realized they credited me about $15 for the inconvenience.

As for iPhone, it's definitely cool, and may be worth it for some, but way too pricey for me. So long as I can make calls, send and receive text messages and use my bluetooth headset, it's all good.
Yeah. It seems a bit much, but I travel around Tokyo a lot and I don't always have access to unrestricted internet. Our main office announced that they were going to start blocking certain categories of websites.... so this was the solution so that I get to Gmail and other sites that will soon be blocked. Also, you can go just about anywhere in Japan and have 3G coverage, so having a portable device such as this comes in really handy when you are out in BFE.
i'm more than happy enough to keep using my 1st gen iPhone,... we don't have 3G coverage here... and the GPS isnt a make or break feature for me. IMO the appStore is a much much more attractive update.

alu,... i feel for ya man,... rogers is seriously laaaame. you might do better by getting a v1 phone from ebay and just unlocking it for t-mobile or something. the dev team has already cracked v2.0 software for jailbreak and sim unlock :)

on a somewhat related note, the hand of jobs finally embraced me (lol) and i just got my full iphone dev privileges. hehe, now i just need to get my shite up on the appstore :P