Interrupted LBs into oblivion

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Some of you may remember that before 7.1 hit, it was possible, albeit extremely rare, to completely stun or lock someone out of their LB while them still spending it without any effect. For example, it was possible to stun a Zantetsuken at the right moment and have it spend the LB bar while doing literally nothing. A bit more rare, it was also possible to do it on a MCH LB, especially with miracle of nature. In those cases, it was very rare because of the window for the stun to land was extremely tiny, we're probably speaking in literal microseconds. It's also possible that those LBs had bad interactions going on the side with abilities like Miracle of Nature, I don't know.

Well, you'll be pleased to hear it, after the 7.1 changes and the hit registration rework.. this is still happening! Had my first Spite interrupted by a Miracle of Nature today. Even more annoying than before because it's just pure luck with the crowd control delays now. Not that it was any less pure luck before, but still.

Can something be done about this? Is this even intended or do we actually need to open bug reports? There is no way on earth something like this is actually designed to happen... right?

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