Say if you clicked Idyllshire in that example it would open the map to said location (like if someone did <pos>).
Other examples (not an extensive list, nor one that all have to be implemented):
- Locations (map)
- Beast Tribe (specific map location, or reputation page, perhaps offers a drop down option of both)
- Duty (opens the duty finder to that duty/roulette)
- Party finder (opens party finder, unlike party linking which leads to that party)
- Currencies (to currency tab)
- Return (asks if you'd like to return)
- Teleport (will allow you to connect a location, such that if you hit enter it's just teleport auto translated but if you continued to type a location it would narrow down a list of places and once finished would become a hot link to that place to teleport to "{Teleport: Idyllshire}")
- Free Company (like teleport you could just hit enter for translate or you could create a hotlink to, in this case the game wouldn't auto complete though.. you'd have to spell it right lol)
- Abilities (pops up a tooltip on hover over, may be turned off in options- so like items)
I think simply doing the maps part would be neat, but just thought it could do other things if SE so chose to add more.
Thanks for reading

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