They even did it on NA Friday night which tells you everything you need to know about their priorities.
Where is the improved encounter design you promised? Why are you nerfing normal raids already before they even went live?
Why is the post-patch MSQ just an uninspired nostalgia bait from FF9? FF14 is really going to repeat 6.1-6.5 lmao.
Why is Cosmic Exploration just reused assets from the Moon?
Not mentioned: whether phantom jobs will be anything more than lost actions 2.0 aka logograms 3.0.
Not mentioned: whether Shades Triangle will be the same pointless FATE bumrushing
Not mentioned: improved encounter design
Not mentioned: whether Cosmic Exploration will just be Ishgardian Restoration 2.0
Not mentioned: new variant/criterion dungeons
Not mentioned: anything new that hasn't already been part of the 12-year long formula
Continue reading...
Where is the improved encounter design you promised? Why are you nerfing normal raids already before they even went live?
Why is the post-patch MSQ just an uninspired nostalgia bait from FF9? FF14 is really going to repeat 6.1-6.5 lmao.
Why is Cosmic Exploration just reused assets from the Moon?
Not mentioned: whether phantom jobs will be anything more than lost actions 2.0 aka logograms 3.0.
Not mentioned: whether Shades Triangle will be the same pointless FATE bumrushing
Not mentioned: improved encounter design
Not mentioned: whether Cosmic Exploration will just be Ishgardian Restoration 2.0
Not mentioned: new variant/criterion dungeons
Not mentioned: anything new that hasn't already been part of the 12-year long formula
Continue reading...