In Preparation For The Next Savage Tier, Here's A Gear Tracker I Made For Our Group!

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My static used this sheet throughout the first Eden tier, it helped us keep track of what everyone needed from each floor and how to divvy up weekly drops. I hope it helps your group out too :)


Make a copy to your own Google drive and share with your group so you can all edit it accordingly.

How to use:

  1. On the Loot Chart tab, enter in each member's name and class. Enter the tier's Tome iLVL (un-upgraded) and Raid gear level in L2 and L3 respectively. This will be updated with each tier. You can link a guide to each fight in Column F if you like.

  2. Once you know what gear you are aiming for for your BIS, enter them in the BIS tab (either Tome or Raid piece). There are spaces for food and a link to your gearset for quick reference.

  3. In the Gear INPUT tab, enter in the current iLVL for each slot. Each group member should be responsible for making sure their column is up to date before raid night.

    IMPORTANT - if you have BIS, type in "BIS" instead of 500 (or whatever the iLVL cap is). This helps the formulas differentiate between you having your actual BIS vs. having the other 500 piece.

  4. When you get your weekly clears, check the Loot Chart table to see who needs what. Any cell in Red/False means that person needs that respective piece for their BIS. Any cell in Green/True means that they either already have that piece OR they don't need it because they need the tome version instead.
    • Rows 19 and 25 keep track of upgrade items. Note that they only count upgrade items that were actually USED, not any that might still be in inventory (such as if you are still collecting tomes for a specific piece to upgrade)
    • Rows 28 and 29 let you know how many total tomes you will need for your BIS and how many weeks that shakes out to.

That's it! It's fun to see the Loot Chart sheet slowly become more and more green over the weeks. Please let me know if you run into any issues, or if you have any ideas for additional features! Good luck and happy raiding!

submitted by /u/Sabakunoneji
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