In Need Of Opinions

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So recently a moratorium was put in place (at least in Midgardsormr) to stop players from buying plots individually to give FCs the chance to buy them for halls. And through the agony of waiting for the moratorium to hopefully drop I began wishing to myself that I had my own FC to purchase one. Then I began to wonder if that's what I should do, and I've come seeking thoughts about it. Should I begin a FC? I know how much work it would require, however other than school I'm relatively free to be able to run a group of people. Though, I don't know if it's the best option for me.

I currently am in a FC that I love,we treat each other like family. Though I myself do have some gripes about being there. I feel like I'm always being handheld or babied (me being probably one of the youngest members, it makes sense) though even when I ask not to be it continues to go on. As well, I have personal issues with another few members of the FC, which unfortunately simply gives me a slight discomfort being around them. I've only been playing for about a year, my highest level that I actually use (White Mage) is only 66 as of now. I don't have much gil (barely enough to buy one of the plots that were devalued) and I'm not much of a crafter or gatherer yet. I do have a close friend who was willing to help me make and manage one, which I'm thankful for. And I believe I'm charismatic enough to gain more members.

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