I'm So Thankful For Trust-enabled Dungeons

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One of the main reasons I've really enjoyed this expansion is because I'm an extremely corrosive person. One annoyance and I explode into a mess of frustration, stubbornness and malicious compliance. I don't really get along with the majority of people and this has led to me leaving statics, being kicked from statics, eating 30 min timers in roulette and not clearing weekly content.

I decided to leaving raiding behind and don't complete savage content anymore but I do like extreme content, I like the whole DDR routine as I'm fairly good at repetitive content. I've learned to do extreme content either with some friends who already know what an asshole I am or unplug my keyboard (I play with controller).

Crafting is my main thing though and since the beginning of time, as far as I can remember a lot of my crafting has required tome items and this is why I'm thankful. I can now farm the latest dungeon as much as I like and lash out as much as I like at Thancred, Alisaie and Ryne any fear of backlash and still get my tomes at the end of the dungeon. It's kind of like having a punchbag.

Win-win situation every time.

submitted by /u/VegaNovus
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