"i'm Seeing A Lot Of Glares And Not A Lot Of Cures On Your Cast Bar."

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"I know I haven't even hit half HP once, but how about doing your job and healing instead of DPSing? You've been above half MP this whole time."


Should I just start AFKing between heals like most DF healers, so that idiots think I'm "focusing on healing"?

Should I remove Thin Air, Lucid, Benison, Tetra and all the Afflatus spells from my bars and just hardcast Cure and Medica spam and let myself run low on MP so the ignorant think I'm "healing more"?

I thought filling dead GCD with DPS spells, instead of AFKing, would be better, but nobody appreciates it, and it straight up enrages some people.

submitted by /u/ShadowTehEdgehog
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