I'm back and I'm a noob - halp?


Fatty Pirate
Hey all. For those who don't know already, I caved (yes, again) and am back to FFXI, this time in Galka form. I gave away Araius and don't feel like paying the $25 to transfer him off Bismarck because, frankly, I'm so done playing RDM. I do miss my 75 BLU, 100 Alch, gil, and completed missions/assaults though :(

Anyway, I'm posting because I've got a question regarding COR, my new main (and yes, the rumors are true...Galka pirates > *). I've been reading up as much as I can but I just want to confirm some things with Quick Draw with some of you experienced pirate-folk. It's my understanding that AGI is the only thing that affects QD accuracy, and MAB (and gun damage) is the only thing that affects QD damage.

Now, I took my 41 COR out to Besieged the other day, and to my shock, I was landing Fire Shot every single time, about 50% of them completely unresisted. Is that accuracy only for Light/Dark shot, then? Because those usually missed...did land 1 Dark Shot on a Qutrub...and Light Shot I've had miss on Fomors in the Aqueducts with no AGI gear to speak of. I suppose AGI could still affect resists of the other shots but...I was landing so many of them for 140+ damage on mobs WAY higher level than me, I'm beginning to question even that.

I'm also noticing there's a woeful lack of MAB gear for COR. It looks like, at least until I'm doing end-game Salvage-type stuff, I'm limited to Moldy Earring and...situationally....Bastokan/Republic Circlet....and that's it? That makes me a sad panda :confused:

One last thing, and this is probably a play-style question more than anything. I know the elemental staves (still 9 levels away yet) assist with QD damage....and possibly resist rate? Should I be switching between my Archer's Knife for bullets, and staves for QD? Seems like perhaps I fire off a few bullets until I get TP, use WS, and then swap to staff and QD...probably an expensive way to go about it, but maybe the best option as far as COR DD goes?

Anyway good to be back, I'll be seeing ya'll around I'm sure.

Also I'm still the real Ara :shades02:

Et has spent too much time with Soj.

I don't know you, but it's always nice when people return to FFXI! :D I know people say "they always come back" but I've seen too many people disappear and not come back, so I'm happy to be proven wrong! :D
Araius said:
It's my understanding that AGI is the only thing that affects QD accuracy, and MAB (and gun damage) is the only thing that affects QD damage.
QD accuracy and damage are affected by everything that affects normal spells: day, weather, staves, MAB, magic accuracy, obis, warlock/wizard rolls, etc. QD accuracy is also affected by AGI, and damage is also affected by gun/ammo DMG rating, as well as a straight increase from Tricorne.

Araius said:
Now, I took my 41 COR out to Besieged the other day, and to my shock, I was landing Fire Shot every single time, about 50% of them completely unresisted. Is that accuracy only for Light/Dark shot, then? Because those usually missed...did land 1 Dark Shot on a Qutrub...and Light Shot I've had miss on Fomors in the Aqueducts with no AGI gear to speak of. I suppose AGI could still affect resists of the other shots but...I was landing so many of them for 140+ damage on mobs WAY higher level than me, I'm beginning to question even that.
Accuracy tends to be meh on high level stuff like HNMs, but can be boosted considerably with an AGI build and Warlocks roll if your mages don't mind. Light/Dark shot get a significant accuracy boost from their staves, so I assume the same applies to the ele shots, though staves do give a straight-up dmg increase on those too.

Araius said:
I'm also noticing there's a woeful lack of MAB gear for COR. It looks like, at least until I'm doing end-game Salvage-type stuff, I'm limited to Moldy Earring and...situationally....Bastokan/Republic Circlet....and that's it? That makes me a sad panda :confused:
Moldy Earring, Denali Kecks/Nimue's Tights, Uggy pendant are your main MAB items for COR. There are lots of AGI-heavy pieces available though for the other slots that make a noticeable difference in resists.

Araius said:
One last thing, and this is probably a play-style question more than anything. I know the elemental staves (still 9 levels away yet) assist with QD damage....and possibly resist rate? Should I be switching between my Archer's Knife for bullets, and staves for QD? Seems like perhaps I fire off a few bullets until I get TP, use WS, and then swap to staff and QD...probably an expensive way to go about it, but maybe the best option as far as COR DD goes?
It's more a matter of situation. Personally, I either gear for DD or gear for support. If I gear for DD (ie. RNG or WAR sub), it's either Trailer's Kukri, Joyeuse, or Fire Staff depending on the type of DD you're focusing on (ranged vs. melee). If you choose to go the staff route, you can bring fire cards for a nice boost, otherwise the lack of a stave will not make much of a noticeable effect on resist since the mobs are typically low-level anyway. I gear for support (ie. a mage sub) if DD isn't really feasible, like against an HNM, gods, etc. For that, I bring staves for the shots I'll use, including light/dark for cures/dispel/resting/etc. You can put up significant damage from QD alone when playing the support roll with the BLM party, since you'll have at least MAB roll on, and sometimes magic ACC.

Welcome back. :)
I can feel the love <3

Thanks Nek. So sounds like for my purposes now, just worry about AGI for light/dark shot since resists are minimal, until end-game stuff. I took COR for PM 2-5 (mammets) and absolutely kicked ass, so I'm liking this quit a bit :shades02: