If it's not FF.. then what's keepin' me entertained?


'Former - Master Thief'
FC/Active Member
Been doin' the real life thing for a while... graduation date is set for Dec 20th finally!!! and another deployment is comming up. So my hands r rather full and because of that, can't really play FF all that often if at all. But I do still play another MMO that a lot less time consuming and actually pretty fun. And the best part..... FREEEEEEEEE.

lmao It's call Cabal Online.. probably u guys heard of it.... it's a lil WoW mixed in with a lil Diablo with some fkin' cool ass flashy skills to keep you entertained. Here are some action screenies~ I downgraded the shots so they might look a lil bleh.. I can get better shots if ya interested.. just send me a pm.

Combo system is pretty cool.. adds a lil twist to the mindless hack n slash

A friend n I runnin' one of the Higher lvl dungeons

Lol some friend n I Dancin' haha... got tired of always pickin' male char.. so decided
to do a female char in this game lol
Hello Kitty >>> All.
Not sure exactly... but the mission is suppose to be a lot less dangerous then the last... more support then direct. Happy about that at least. I rather not get shot at this time =).