If Arcanist Could Do It...

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So, since arcanists can be two different roles by lvl 30 with summoner and scholar (with both jobs sharing xp and a weapon type in books), why not apply it to some other jobs as well?

For example:
- Pugilist to Monk (DPS) or Puppeteer (Tank)
Puppeteers used knuckles in FFXI so I thought it could work. Now, my idea for puppeteer is that it would mimic your combos instead of being a too much of a pet class like FFXI. Imagine something like Hugh Jackman and Atom at the end of the movie Real Steal.

- Machinist (DPS) or Corsair (Healer)
Based on how I understood it, the corsair is a support class in XI. I could have misunderstood though.

- Gladiator to Paladin (Tank) or Rune Knight (DPS)
In Dnd, the rune knight's skills don't exactly involve casting damaging spells. Rather, it's more of buffing yourself with runes. Something like, imbue your shield with the rune of wind and have a higher chance to dodge attacks (solely projectiles in Dnd). This way, it could help distinguish itself from paladin and red mage.

- Marauder to Warrior (Tank) or Green Mage (Healer)
I really want a green mage. They will wield hammers but will have the same auto attack animation as axes.

Of course, one of the issues would be the job storyline. Why would these base jobs choose the alternatives? Depending on how it's written it could work. Instead of the spiritual nature of monks, pugilists can go the route of a tinkerer in puppeteer. Something like that. XD

Another issue would be that my idea would ideally be available at level 30, so there might be people too lazy to do level 30 job quests with a level 80 character (since both paths would share xp).

Lastly, I don't know how easy or difficult it would be to add new weapons that start from level 30 to fit the new alternative roles like adding knuckles with tenacity, guns with piety/intelligence, etc.

These are just my thoughts while taking a shower and reading a thread that heavily compares XI and XIV. Thought it be nice to share. :D

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