I Wonder If Ast+sch Will Become The New Meta Again

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I’m anxiously waiting for this Thursday’s live letter. However I can’t help but feel they will buff Astro again and it will make whm go sit in the corner like the previous expansions. With controller users complaining allot about all the single target cards and hating the new card system. I feel SE will bend like they always do. If Astro once again will be able to AOE their cards what will that mean for whm? In savage raiding will whm be reduced to just prog again? What if SE made presence of mind AOE? Divine Benison AOE? Maybe add a damage potency to temperance instead of damage reduction. I miss the old card system too but I don’t want whm to get left behind again. So if they do give Astro at least the ability to aoe their cards again then I feel whm should get some way to buff raid dps as well. Keep all the healers viable. Maybe I’m just thinking to much and SE will not touch the card system. Who knows.

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