I Am Totally The Urianger Of My Friend Group

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Ah, yes, verily, mine sapience is very much unfettered, I doth am declaring this. My fascimilitous nature to the one known as Urianger Augurelt is rather uncannifiedeth, to the delight of my compatriots whoth slaver after my auspices, of which I have dozens upon dozens of auspices to serve in no small proportional of gratitude to my intellectual philosopher king dynam I extrude.

The logicalisms for why I portend myself Urianger-Doppergangerous extrapolates down to mine unrivaled scholarly talent. There exist few who avail or apprise my great knowledge, although they attempt, these end in unscrupularity and I cannot helpeth but cover mine own mouth with myriad fingers index and ring alike to stifle my laughter at their troglodytery. My friends doth admit, I am rathereth a being of reason of pure logic and discourse, craftedeth to erupt in lore at any given time, or to rapidly and graciously close shut any debate going on between the mundanities thus given flesh.

When I doth challenge the oppocardinal of blueth ascertained as "the Ruby Weapon," mine fear surpass not the minimimalest of values and perspiration. My striking magicks and precise blows rendereth in the crimson apparatus a yearning for the peaceful, and in my teammates doth instill a sense of grandiloquent language bestown combinational formulation in the levels didcovereth near the realm of superfluidity. Hark! See how my thunder crasheseth, as I nimbly pirouette and circumventilate the geometry that lies on the solid reverse sky, hitherto the ground, to which I am merely bound by my own mortal desire to be perceptible to human men.

Indeed, when my allies and I permissibly infiltrate the transworld of shadowy strangers to initialize battle against the dark salmon demonoclast, in both phase alpha, and phase beta, these unknown titular creatures of sentient repute doth acquiecongrulate me on mine superior brainrythmics. Indeed, they do ask if I hath watched 'the video.' To which I reply:

"Do thee ask for thine amusings whether I have oculated the digital footage in association to this Eorzean threat? Nay, it is I who should ask YOU, deareth friends, if you are prepared to assumeth an alphanumerical position on the battlefield for which you shalt be responsible for."

DAE (Doth anyone Elseth) emote that they too are the intelligent member of their comradeship? I implore you, you must therefore comment to bespoke your own stratician mind.

Thank you for literaturalizing this post.

submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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