How To Fix Zenos One Dimentional Character

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So as a lot of people know compared to what drives the unsundered Ascians vs what drives Zenos it is like comparing Lord of the Rings trilogy to Dr. Suess.

We are missing some SERIOUS backstory to Zenos so all we see is....hunt yesss the hunt more hunt yeahhhh. Compared to Emet or Elidibus it is a waste of a character.

How to fix
So if the plan is to keep this guy around we need a quest chain somewhere involving the echo showing how Zenos went from an innocent kid to sadistic psychopath. Not sure how you want to do it but if we go from the fine wine that is Shadowbringers back to one dimensional huntboy Zenos for an expansion we are going to have problems.

I mean you guys took Elidibus from a side character with not much backstory to a fully fleshed out hero/villain in one patch. Zenos needs this same justice done so he is not wasted and quickly forgotten and generic enemy #1.

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