How I shot Babelfish?


Just call me Veronica Mars

It translates whatever you want into a language, then back to English, then into a second language, than back to English, etc, until you're finally left with what in most cases will be gibberish. I love it. This is my new favorite pasttime!

For instance:

Original English Text:
I said what what, in the butt

Translated to Japanese:

Translated back to English:
The I was what and what of the bats

Translated to Chinese:

Translated back to English:
I am any and any stick

Translated to French:
Je suis n'importe quel et n'importe quel bâton

Translated back to English:
I am any and any stick

Translated to German:
Ich bin jeder möglicher und irgendein Stock

Translated back to English:
I am more possible each and any stick

Translated to Italian:
Sono più possibile ciascuno e tutto il bastone

Translated back to English:
They are more possible everyone and all the stick

Translated to Portuguese:
São mais possíveis todos e toda a vara

Translated back to English:
They are more possible all and all the pole

Translated to Spanish:
Son todo el y todo el poste más posible

Translated back to English:
They are all and the all most possible post.
Original English Text:
<TT>Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King.

Weasley was born in a bin,
He always lets the Quaffle in,
Weasley will make sure we win,
Weasley is our King.</TT>

Translated to French:
<TT>Weasley ne peut pas sauvegarder une chose, il ne peut pas bloquer une
boucle simple, qui est pourquoi Slytherins tout chantent : Weasley est
notre roi.

Weasley a été soutenu dans un coffre, il laisse toujours le Quaffle
dedans, Weasley s'assurera que nous gagnons, Weasley est notre roi.
Translated back to English:
<TT>Weasley cannot back up a thing, it cannot block a simple loop, which
is why Slytherins all sing: Weasley is our king. Weasley was constant
in a trunk, it always leaves Quaffle inside, Weasley will make sure
that we gain, Weasley is our king.
Translated to German:
<TT>Weasley kann nicht eine Sache, es unterstützen kann nicht eine
einfache Schleife blocken, die ist, warum alles Slytherins singen:
Weasley ist unser König. Weasley war in einem Kabel, es läßt immer
Quaffle nach innen, Weasley überprüft, ob wir gewinnen, Weasley ist
unser König konstant.
Translated back to English:
<TT>Weasley cannot support a thing, it can not a simple loop block, which
is, why all Slytherins to sing: Weasley is our king. Weasley was in a
cable, it leaves always Quaffle inward, Weasley checked, whether we
won, Weasley is constant our king.
Translated to Italian:
<TT>Weasley non può sostenere una cosa, esso non può un blocchetto
semplice del ciclo, che è, perchè tutto lo Slytherins cantare:
Weasley è il nostro re. Weasley era in un cavo, esso lascia sempre
Quaffle interno, Weasley controllato, se vincessimo, Weasley è
costante il nostro re.
Translated back to English:
<TT>Weasley cannot support one what, it cannot a simple notebook of the
cycle, that it is, why all the Slytherins to sing: Weasley is our
king. Weasley was in a cable, it leaves always Quaffle, controlled
Weasley inner, if we won, Weasley is constant our king.
Translated to Portuguese:
<TT>Weasley não pode suportar um o que, ele não pode um caderno simples
do ciclo, aquele que é, porque todo o Slytherins cantar: Weasley é
nosso rei. Weasley estava em um cabo, ele deixa sempre Quaffle,
Weasley controlado interno, se nós ganhássemos, Weasley é constante
nosso rei.
Translated back to English:
<TT>Weasley cannot support one what, it cannot a simple notebook of the
cycle, that one that is, because all the Slytherins to sing: Weasley
is our king. Weasley was in a cable, it always leaves Quaffle,
internal burst Weasley, if we earned, Weasley we are constant our
Translated to Spanish:
<TT>Weasley no puede utilizar uno qué, él no puede un cuaderno simple
del ciclo, aquél es decir, porque todo el Slytherins a cantar:
Weasley es nuestro rey. Weasley estaba en un cable, él deja siempre
Quaffle, explosión interna Weasley, si ganamos, Weasley que somos
constantes nuestro rey.
</TT>Translated back to English:
<TT>Weasley cannot use one what, it cannot a simple notebook of the cycle, that one that is to say, because all the Slytherins to sing: Weasley is our king. Weasley was in a cable, he always leaves Quaffle, internal explosion Weasley, if we won, Weasley that we are constant our king.</TT>
Translated back to English:
The I was what and what of the bats

Translated to Chinese:

Translated back to English:
I am any and any stick

The EN > CH translation is word for word accurate. But the CH > EN fails,
Original English Text:
<TT>Coice sucks</TT>

Translated to French:
<TT>Coice suce
Translated back to English:
<TT>Coice sucks
Translated to German:
<TT>Coice saugt
Translated back to English:
<TT>Coice sucks
Translated to Italian:
<TT>Coice succhia
Translated back to English:
<TT>Coice sucks
Translated to Portuguese:
<TT>Coice suga
Translated back to English:
<TT>Coice sucks
Translated to Spanish:
<TT>Coice aspira
</TT>Translated back to English:
<TT>Coice aspires</TT>
<TT>Dammit! Foiled right at the end.</TT>
<TT>Spanishes are to blame.</TT>
buffalax does a lot of this stuff. Ill see if I can track down one of his vids

Edit: bah, I cant find it, I know he did one of Dio's holy diver translating it from english to norwegian to english again. I remember that Holy Diver was "Divine Plunger"