Just call me Veronica Mars
It translates whatever you want into a language, then back to English, then into a second language, than back to English, etc, until you're finally left with what in most cases will be gibberish. I love it. This is my new favorite pasttime!
For instance:
It translates whatever you want into a language, then back to English, then into a second language, than back to English, etc, until you're finally left with what in most cases will be gibberish. I love it. This is my new favorite pasttime!
For instance:
Original English Text:
I said what what, in the butt
Translated to Japanese:
Translated back to English:
The I was what and what of the bats
Translated to Chinese:
Translated back to English:
I am any and any stick
Translated to French:
Je suis n'importe quel et n'importe quel bâton
Translated back to English:
I am any and any stick
Translated to German:
Ich bin jeder möglicher und irgendein Stock
Translated back to English:
I am more possible each and any stick
Translated to Italian:
Sono più possibile ciascuno e tutto il bastone
Translated back to English:
They are more possible everyone and all the stick
Translated to Portuguese:
São mais possÃÂveis todos e toda a vara
Translated back to English:
They are more possible all and all the pole
Translated to Spanish:
Son todo el y todo el poste más posible
Translated back to English:
They are all and the all most possible post.