How do YOU manage your favorites list?


Kitteh's Meow
Recently, I was cleaning up my internet browsers and syncing my favorite url lists between the three. I use IE/FF/Safari at various times for various reasons. (mainly to test how websites look in each browser after editing pages, etc.)

I used to have my most used links in the "Link Bar" just above the tab list. Using short, abbreviated names for the sites I had there.

Maybe I'm just behind the curve when it comes to link management, but over the last day I decided to make 'folders' in the link bar and categorize my links. Now, I can have many more links to sites that I would type manually or google up each time I wanted it. (lazy, I know.)

So, for now, I've been using the folder approach and it is working well... I'm still adding links that I normally use and i find that it's more productive now.

My better half keeps her links docked on the left side of her browser, taking up a good chunk of the left side of her browser window. Didn't like that idea and I didn't like click on "favorites/bookmarks" each time. I also don't like cluttering my desktop with URL shortcuts! (I keep my home screens in 1600x1200 format, so I usually have plenty of space. 1 laptop is stuck at 1024x768 and the other is wide screen.)

Now that I've got this all sorted, I'll export the lists between browsers and computers to keep it all in order.

So, with all that said: How do you manage your favorites/bookmark lists? I'm curious to know what other people are doing.

I use Firefox with the XMarks add-on. It stores them on a server and syncs them up so that they're the same on my desktop, laptop and work pc.
I use Firefox with the XMarks add-on. It stores them on a server and syncs them up so that they're the same on my desktop, laptop and work pc.

I have a folder in my bookmarks for all the FF related links, another for all my web emails/blogs, another for my banking, etc...
and some random links that defy labels underneath.
I feel like the slow kid after reading this thread, but Firefox has all my most used sites in the drop down menu at the top and I don't really use more than those... well that's not entirely true but (for instance) I have a tab for gmail that I never close and a tab for twitter that I never close... and google reader sort of manages a lot of day-to-day reading like kotaku, etc. I guess I haven't felt the need for anything else.

I've attached a screen shot of my current tabs, while I'm researching this futuristic idea that Eticket uses.

Each of the folders drop down as exampled. I've probably got 5-6 links in each tab for each various subject. This was compared to what existed previously: Just 16 buttons in the space where you see the folders now.

For the moment, I love my new setup with easy access to things. Looking back, I've got no clue why I didn't bother to do this sooner. Even more, Eticket's idea...


  • FFBookMark.png
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I have a few links on the link bar on my firefox window, and then I have the rest sorted into folders on the link bar, so I don't actually have to look in bookmarks or anything. So basically I have something like, my university e-mail, facebook and a couple other frequently used links, after that it's folders I can click on, and a drop down of links comes up after. Like..FFXI, photography pages, funny videos etc.

edit: I didn't look at Aang's screenshot before posting. That's what I'm talking about lol.
I organize all those folders within the bookmarks pulldown itself.

I hardly use toolbar buttons at all.