How Do Y'all Deal With Burnout?

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I tried to not rush anything, the whole shb up to 5.0 took me a month or two, taking a short break to fool around leveling and do whatever after every zone, then it went on until 5.2 ish where I suddenly lost all drive to play (even though 5.3 is super good as people said). I mostly just do thing on my own pace, no pressure on gearing or catching up with others. I just one day noticed that I only log in and shitpost in FC chat and afk while i do other things for the last 2 weeks, and nothing else.

I think the breaking point at 5.2 was because I ran out of jobs to level so there's no small doses of dopamine when leveling up anymore and the feeling of stagnation was killing me (grinded for all exarchic for all job, didn't bother with higher gears since I don't do savage and stuffs anyway, too much stress imo), plus the msq didn't feel as good as pre 5.0, if not boring, so I took some time off, back recently and managed to get my dopamine fix by leveling blue mage again then get all the spell (from 5 total) within a week, the hildibrand (never did it before) questline also helped spice things up a lot, then it's back to square one again.

The mogtomes event really motivated me to grind blue mage (AV blu cheese) then I ended up getting most of the tomes from daily msq roulette anyway, and since i got the mounts I needed from the moogle, it's all stale again.

I havent touched the msq since.

I'm aware a long break will be inevitable but I'm quite sure I'll be motivated properly once there's new level cap and jobs to level up again, but I'm curious, how did most of y'all deal with this situation? Did ya just take a break until ffxiv feels "new" again or what's your secret trick to spice things up again?

P.S. I think my main problem is just my constant need to be leveling up and learning new skills, staying at cap level for too long just kinda drive me insane.

submitted by /u/KvBla
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