Housing Idea: Personal Chambers In Private Estates

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Apologies if this has been suggested before, but I searched and didn't see it anywhere.

Free Company estates already have private chambers, so the coding is already in the game and functioning without problems. Why couldn't SE let private estates have the same functionality? Ideally, a private estate owner would not be limited to one chamber.

This would be of most benefit to small house owners, since they could add more rooms and significantly increase their space. Even medium and large owners could use them to set up specialty or themed rooms.

Why not remove the one room per person limit on FC private chambers as well? I doubt there are many FCs that push the current limit of available rooms. This would help out FCs with too many members to comfortably fit in a small house. True, private chambers are small, but if FC leaders could buy extra rooms and set them up as communal spaces, then there would at least be more spots to hang out.

If SE wanted to turn this into a massive gil sink, prices for additional rooms could steadily increase. The more rooms you have, the more the next one will cost.

Maybe there's some issue that I'm missing, but I don't really see a down side to this.

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