Hopefully constructive criticism regarding the current state of FFXIV

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I'm making this forum for the devs and hopefully the health of FFXIV moving forward. I've taken my own opinions as well as opinions I've heard from the community to put this together.

1.) I personally enjoy the slightly more difficult dungeon content. The problem is I don't enjoy the dungeon format. After years of playing FFXIV the standard format of the dungeons have become bland, I unfortunately don't know how you could adjust the dungeons to make them more enjoyable. Maybe people could give more constructive feedback on this subject.

2.) The story can correlate with the enjoyment players have in post content. I think we can all agree the vast majority of the playerbase didn't enjoy dawntrails story. I'm not here to bash it, it's out it's done, there's no changing it. In the future it's extremely important that the story resonates with the playerbase.

3.) There are a lot of complaints about the lack of content, I somewhat agree, but I'll take a different approach to it. In endwalker we weren't given an expansion zone or relic grind and I believe that exasperated the issue. The expansion zone is releasing on par with previous expansions eureka was 4.25 and bosja was 5.35 but I believe in the future it needs to be released at launch to keep the casual playerbase happy.

4.) Job homogenation, the jobs of ffxiv feel very similar to each other, in some cases that's a good thing in other ways it's bad. It's good in terms of balance, lining up raid buffs, and playing efficiently, but it's bad because it makes jobs feel boring over time. My suggestion would be to take notes from WOW, I fully understand it's a nightmare to balance and the playerbase will attack you for balancing issues, but I believe it could be very healthy for the game as well as good for the immersion and role playing aspects of the game.

5 Party Finder, party finder is a great tool for end game content and I appreciate it, but it has it's own set of issues. I won't speak on the community based issues only things that could be improved on your end. I like running savage and ultimate content, but my home data center is primal, I can't efficiently run ultimate content on primal because there are not enough players running ultimates on primal, I have to travel to aether every time I want to get a party together in a decent amount of time. If you allowed region based cross data center play, I think that would solve many of the issues we're running into when it comes to getting parties put together. I don't know the impact it would have on roulettes though.

Lastly, I don't say these things because I want to tear the devs down. I say these things because I care about the health of this game and want to see it improve.

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