hey asshole


If you're too FUCKING stupid to remember how to type in a password with one capital letter and one number. DON'T USE THE FUCKING COMPUTER. I will not "escalate" your bullshit just because you're a god damn idiot. PUT DOWN THE MOUSE AND WALK INTO TRAFFIC.
Six Vistas, Furax. Just keep telling yourself that. Six vistas, and all will be well.
I'm sure every tech support person dreams of being able tell a customer what Dogbert did in an old strip: "Ok, I see what your problem is: Arrange all of the parts in neat piles. Now, stand on your chair so you can see above your cubicle.... Now shout 'Does anyone know how to read a manual?' "

The numbers requirement for passwords tends to bother me a lot. The passwords I care about have a mix of lower and upper case characters along with symbols, but no numbers. That's as secure as lower/upper plus numbers, yet I work with systems that think symbols are not good enough and require numbers in them. Even worse, at least one of the systems requires there to be NO symbols in the password (but does require numbers). *sigh*

At least the rules are inconsistent across the dozens of systems I need passwords for. >:p
I'm sure every tech support person dreams of being able tell a customer what Dogbert did in an old strip: "Ok, I see what your problem is: Arrange all of the parts in neat piles. Now, stand on your chair so you can see above your cubicle.... Now shout 'Does anyone know how to read a manual?' "

The numbers requirement for passwords tends to bother me a lot. The passwords I care about have a mix of lower and upper case characters along with symbols, but no numbers. That's as secure as lower/upper plus numbers, yet I work with systems that think symbols are not good enough and require numbers in them. Even worse, at least one of the systems requires there to be NO symbols in the password (but does require numbers). *sigh*

At least the rules are inconsistent across the dozens of systems I need passwords for. >:p

That dogbert quote is win. Thank you for the smile, Varda :blue-smil